foodborne pathogens

Compilation of the Actions Taken for Dissemination, Communication and Education

Work Package 9 of the ArtiSaneFood project outlined a series of activities for results dissemination and communication as well as knowledge exchange actions and training. The present report, although not a project deliverable, brings together all the joint actions taken by the consortium to fulfil the objective of WP9. Notice that publication items labelled as had their electronic copies uploaded on PRIMA MEL platform either in the Section of Deliverables or in Publications and Outreach.

Meta-Analysis of In Vitro Antimicrobial Capacity of Extracts and Essential Oils of Syzygium aromaticum, Citrus L. and Origanum L.: Contrasting the Results of Different Antimicrobial Susceptibility Methods

Diffusion methods, including agar disk-diffusion and agar well-diffusion, as well as dilution methods such as broth and agar dilution, are frequently employed to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of extracts and essential oils (EOs) derived from Origanum L., Syzygium aromaticum, and Citrus L. The results are reported as inhibition diameters (IDs) and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), respectively.

Deliverable 5.3: Report on the Survival of Foodborne Pathogens in Artisanal Fermented Products Elaborated using Enhanced Process Variables and Bio-Interventions

D5.3 presents relevant information about the fate studies carried out by the different ArtiSaneFood partners with the different prototype fermented products are summarised, as well as the main results obtained so far.