Press text: Come conservare i cibi mediterranei

Non-technical article to raise awareness of the ArtiSaneFood project in Platinun - business leaders, Year 12 Issue 35 November 2019 (ISSN 2038-2596)

University of Bologna

University of Bologna (UNIBO) with 33 Departments, 11 Schools and around 85000 students covers all academic disciplines. It is strongly committed to research and innovation and it is one of the most active Italian universities in European and international R&I projects, with more than 400 EU funded projects (FP7&H2020). In Horizon 2020, UNIBO is so far involved in 162 funded projects (39 as coordinator) with more than 57ML. In the framework of the Societal Challenge II - BioEconomy and related - initiatives, UNIBO is coordinating 4 projects (OLEUM, PROVIDE, TROPICSAFE, CIRCLES) and committed as a partner in 32 bioeconomy projects (of which 4 under BBI JTI) with a total EU contribution of over 10 M euro.