Final Seminar

International Seminar: ArtiSaneFood

The Consortium organised the face-to-face event 'International Seminar: ArtiSaneFood – Biopreservation and Risk Modelling Approaches' as the final public dissemination event of the ArtiSaneFood project at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, on the 24-25th May 2023. At this event, seventy-four contributions were presented in five sessions, namely: (1) Bio-preservatives as agents to ensure quality of artisanal foods; (2) Bioprotective lactic acid bacteria in artisanal foods; (3) The microbiome of fermented foods; (4) Predictive modelling in artisanal foods; and (5) Miscellaneous topics on quality of traditional foods. In addition, a session of miscellaneous e-posters took place for those researchers who could not be present at the event, and participated online. The food safety decision-support tool 'ArtiSaneFood' was launched at this event.